Blogs Collected (Hypergraphia)

It’s not only trinkets I hoard, I have 7 blogs! There I admitted it, you happy now?! While I feel happy about writing all the time, having more than one blog makes me feel guilty (and a little cuckoo). I have this love-hate relationship with blogging. I am more than grateful of the space where I leave my thoughts (and feelings) but somehow also feel vulnerable to scrutiny (which is why I don’t publicize openly).Screenshot_2013-06-28-13-28-14

Why do I have a lot? Hmmm… I blame it on WordPress because of this little thing here…


That’s right. Not the part which says “here’s an overview of your blogs”. The second part which says don’t forget that you can create another blog anytime. and so I did! Whenever I felt like a thought did not belong to a certain blog, I make another. WordPress you cheat!

Seriously though, it’s quite practical for someone as “confused” as me. My interests, hobbies and mood swings are so expansive that rolling it into one blog does not seem “right”. Besides, I don’t want it to be like that blog I came across not too long ago.I instantly fell in love with the author’s take on cooking so I read the next post which happened to be a very passionate post about having sex with her boyfriend. Erotica?! (deserves a trophy if you ask me)!

And so I really love this setup. I have one for dining out, another for lifestyles, another for poledancing, another for vegan recipes, another for crafts, another for collections and another for miscellaneous text. And all of these I try to summarize into excerpts on my Tumblr. I suppose you can call it an addiction. After all I write at work too and this blogging world of mine has nothing to do with work.

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